Been a bit rubbish at keeping a blog while I've been out here this time, but it's pretty much been work work work. Because of the +3 hour time difference here, I've been getting in from working here and in my head thinking it's 2 o'clock back in the UK - then checking emails and catching up on work until 5pm GMT (8pm KSA), then eating, then bed. Silly really, but that's sort of where my head was! Did have a couple of nights off, but I've been doing the silly tired/awake thing much more than last time I was over...
I've found Saudi as interesting as last time, however. I've been delivering the training at a new place - much nicer, but a longer drive out. That was pretty good, though, because it got me out of the centre of Riyadh and out into the equivalent of their suburbs (I guess). So different buildings, different things to see. As you turn off the main road leading out of Riyadh (King Fahad Road) and you look down it seems to just disappear into a haze and the desert. If (when?) I come again, I must try to arrange a trip out...
The training has gone really well. We've done good simplifying the way that the articles are posted to the site - many more smiling faces at the end of the days training this time than last. And we finished early most days as well. From a business point of view, it's been a very good visit.
Steve Shaw was kind enough to take us out for lunch today on the 77th floor of the Kingdom Centre. Amazing views over Riyadh - makes you realise how big this place is - and flat. THere are very few really tall buildings, but the city sprawls. Went up to the skybridge (99th floor) as well. Pictures to follow on my facebook account :) The food was great (Lentil and cumin cream soup, Red Snapper with marinaded peppers and a goregeous carrot cake). Good conversation over lunch - getting a Saudi view on Iran and the Israel/Palestine issue. Very interesting - and different from what we're fed by our media. Cautious optimism about Obama as well...
As we were chatting, what has struck me again is that there is so much to learn about this country and it's people. Then you pause, and think that this is probably true of so many cultures. We're missing so much.
Anyway, just finished packing. Plane is at 1:50 tomorrow morning. Thanks to the time diffrerence, that means I arrive at Heathrow at 5:45am. And then I have a 3 hour or so drive home. I can see lots of stops and lots of coffee. By the time I get home I will have been up and on the go for about 30 hours... Must try to grab a couple of hours kip on the plane, but I've always struggled sleeping on planes.
A bit sad to be leaving, but keen to get home...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Saudi Summary
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Labels: saudi
Friday, January 23, 2009
A missive from the desert...
Sarah asked me last night if I was going to blog this trip like I did the last.
Don't see why not, really - although I don't think this one will be as interesting somehow...
The flight over yesterday was fine. Unlike last time, it was a direct flight - so no rushing through airports to make sure I get a connecting flight. Movies were poor - watched Death Race as I hadn't seen it. Hadn't missed much. What was of passing interest was the blurring out of any visible cleavage/midriff.... Was also amused at the dubbing - though that's not directly down to the Saudi influence. Good to hear that 'monkey lovin' is still being used instead of good old 'mf'...
And the food was actually quite nice. Lamb curry type thing. And salad that was still crunchy. Win.
Had a nice thing happen when I landed as well. I had been told I was going to be met. All well and good. But what I didn't realise was that it was to be met as I got off the plane. I was whisked ahead of *huge* lines at immigration, visa stamped and waiting for my bags all within 5 minutes of getting of the plane. I liked that :)
Was met by Tariq, the chap who drove me about last time, and got to the hotel at a decent time. Didn't go to bed until quite late, though, thanks to KSA being 3 hours ahead, and just not being tired...
Got up well after 9am (read 6am GMT), so by the time I'd staggered about, showered and dressed I'd missed breakfast. So I decided to get on with some work (even though Friday is the Saudi Sunday), then wander down to the Atrium for something to eat & drink.
Last time I was here, I didn't really venture outside my hotel room (I know, I know) - but I spent a really pleasant hour or so reading, watching the world go by and eating a rather nice minced lamb in lebanese flatbread thing. With a big glass of iced tea.
I'll probably end up doing a bit more work tonight, 'cos I'm like that. But it's been a fairly chilled day.
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Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Oops, I did it again
Left it another 6 months since I last posted :)
Thinking about taking a leaf out of Matt's book and starting to blog again. Partly as a motivater to keep me on the straight and narrow regarding losing weight.
Anyway, we'll keep this one short. I only really wanted to test twitterfeed :)
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Wednesday, January 07, 2009