Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Trip to Saudi - on your marks...

Chatting to Sarah on the phone tonight, we thought it might be a nice idea to blog my trip and put up some photos.

So I'll give it a go. Never been very good at this blogging lark, all seems a bit ostentatious. But I guess this is a bit special so....

First leg of the trip is done :) Sleaford to Heathrow. A mere fairy-step compared to what I'll do tomorrow - 3120 miles as the crow flies according to my quick google...

As those of you who know me would expect, I've lost count of the number of times I've checked that I have my passport & ticket details!

So, not much more to say at the moment. I'll bung up a piccy of my hotel room just because I can - but I sincerely hope I'll be posting some more intersting stuff over the next few days :)

Exciting stuff. And the tennis is good tonight too - Murray making a bit of a comeback, but he's going to lose I think.

Thrilling picture of my hotel room at the Holiday Inn. Better to come (I hope)

Wishing I'd nicked Chris' little camera now. I've a feeling the 2MB one on my Blackberry is going to let me down at some point.

We'll see....

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